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The Vid Post


I made it three years into the pandemic before getting the Vid, and when I got it last spring I did my obligatory five day-quarantine. The first two days were true sick days, but by the final three days I was feeling recovered and very uncomfortable because I don’t generally do nothing for such a long period of time. I had a lot of guilt around the nothing doing, especially since everyone I knew was working. Completely illogical, but true.

The experience, in two lists:

Things I Thought While Having Covid

I should really do Kegels

Is this what my actual lungs taste like? Ew.

How did we leave the Easter decorations up this long? It’s May, right? Wait, is it May?

What should I do with the rest of my life?

Why can’t I swallow pills? Will I ever learn this skill? Maybe I’ll save that for the next life.

Will anyone read my book? Does anyone read my blog? Are blogs completely out?

What even is my life? Could I make a map of my life so far? Turns out I can. It looks like spaghetti. Forget it.

Things I Cried About While Having Covid

My dogs are cute.

I missed Tommy’s band award ceremony where he got an award for Outstanding Senior.

Remember Obama?

Shayne asked me my temperature via text.

My niece texted me that Tommy’s grad announcement is adorable. My brother Tim won’t see Tommy graduate, won’t see the invite, can’t call to offer congratulations and reminisce with me about our lives and how we are old. The band is breaking up even more.

The We Can Do Hard Things podcast with the Andrea Gibson/Megan Falley interview.

The dad who works for the Cowboys who got to tell his son he was drafted to the Cowboys. “You want to come to work with me next week?” I don’t even like football but damn. Okay, okay.

My boss brought work to my house so I wouldn’t burn all my PTO. I’m so lucky to work with such nice people.

Cry laughed at the lady who tripped in her driveway and then stayed horizontal while yelling, “Just run over me world!” Then cried for real about that lady because maybe she was really hurt in more than just the pride spots, and I was already crying so sure why not.

Shayne bought me a ring because my old ring makes my finger feel claustrophobic and panicky since I jammed my knuckle trying to catch a Nerf football (I’m an athlete in case you didn’t know). This ring is cute and has an S and doesn’t actually close and its so loving and thoughtful.

Currently reading:

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb – A reread. I love this book. Lots of good info here plus it’s kind of voyeuristic in an interesting way.

The Ruins by Scott Smith – Oh man, I left two characters in a deep hole with vines that may or may not kill them and people with nocked bows who may or may not kill them and the rope is too short to save them and their friends are kind of dumb and nobody has a phone and it’s very stressful. I’ve never seen the movie but after the book for sure I’ll be watching.

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens – Every year

2 Comments leave one →
  1. 12/13/2023 5:29 pm

    Hey Tammy!

    Love the list of what I cried about. Great idea, too! And all the rest you shared. It is delightful, real plus guilty and humorous in all the right spots. Cheers and happy holidays to you and your family.


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